Name   Sidney A A Ron Lauw #preseent

Hometown   Southern California

Occupation/Major   Grad Student/Debt

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor   Ube and Vanilla

Favorite Shoes   Spray-on shoes #youcantrunawayfromyourownfeet

Ninjas or Pirates?   None, #teamninjathugboss

How did you meet Erick?   Senior year at SAU. He was one of my suitemates in Talge Hall. Suitemates share the bathroom that is between the two rooms, not at the same time though, unfortunately. Just kidding...!

Favorite Memory with Erick   Every moment spent with Erick becomes a favorite memory. You don't have one favorite memory with that guy, you have multiple memories that become your favorite. #bromance #bromo #brotime #brotruth #theyseemebrollintheyhatin #sorryillkeepitbrofessional #makesyoudoublethinkaboutthepreviousquestionhuh

Any Advice?  

Also hashtags are annoying. Bye Vanill... I mean Lindsey